VoiceOver/iOS HTML Support

A Work in progress: Last updated 02 October 2024.

Editor: Steve Faulkner

Github Repo: screen-reader-HTML-support

Found a bug? Please report it.


Note: 02 October 2024: The information for VoiceOver on iOS may be incorrect, incomplete and/or contradictory Until noted otherwise, do not rely upon it!

How HTML elements are supported by screen readers

Typical support patterns of HTML elements by screen readers:

Note: The combination of patterns supported varies from element to element and support for a particular element varies between screen reader software.

Support legend

VoiceOver on iOS (2024) HTML Support - Chrome Version 129.0.6668.90 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Element Test Case Represents AURAL UI Interaction Supported Notes
<a href> a with href Link with an href Announces "link" + link text Swipe left/right, double-tap to activate Recognizes visited/unvisited state of links.
<abbr> abbr Abbreviated term Reads text only, not title No special interaction No additional semantics conveyed  if title is present.
<address> address Contact information Reads text only No special interaction No additional semantics conveyed.
<area> area Interactive area within an image map Announces alt text + "link" Swipe left/right to navigate Requires alt for accessibility.
<article> article Self-contained composition Reads text only No special interaction No additional semantics conveyed. article does support aria-describedby and announces "Description..." after visible text.
<aside> aside Tangentially related content Announces "complementary" Rotor to 'landmarks' Recognized as complementary region.
<audio> Audio player Audio content with controls Announces "audio" Double-tap to play/pause Accessible buttons available in the player.
<b> Bold text Important or emphasized text Reads content as normal text No special interaction No specific emphasis conveyed.
<base> Document base URL Base URL for relative links No aural feedback Not interactive Typically ignored by VoiceOver.
<bdi> Bi-directional isolation Isolates a span of text Reads content as normal text No special interaction No aural impact; structure-only element.
<bdo> Bi-directional override Overrides the current text direction Reads content as normal text No special interaction No special semantics conveyed.
<blockquote> Block quote Quoted block content Announces "blockquote" Swipe left/right to navigate Announces the start and end of blockquotes.
<body> Document body Main content of the page Reads content No special interaction No unique aural feedback; body is implicit.
<br> Line break Line break within text Announces "line break" No special interaction Treated as a separator in the text flow.
<button> Button Clickable button control Announces "button" + label Double-tap to activate Reads label and state (pressed/unpressed).
<canvas> Drawing canvas Scriptable bitmap canvas Announces "graphic" if aria-label is provided Focusable via swipe gestures Fallback content read if available.
<caption> Table caption Title for a table Announces as part of the table Rotor navigation to tables Properly linked to the table it describes.
<cite> Citation Reference to a creative work Reads content as normal text No special interaction No specific aural emphasis.
<code> Code snippet Inline code or programming syntax Reads element content No special interaction No unique treatment; read as normal text.
<col> Table column Defines column properties No aural indication Not directly interactive Impact conveyed through table structure only.
<colgroup> Group of columns Groups multiple columns in a table No aural indication Not directly interactive Structure-enhancing, with no direct aural output.
<data> Machine-readable data Data and its human-readable equivalent Reads element content No special interaction Treated as regular text.
<datalist> Combo box suggestions Provides options for an input field Announces "combo box" Double-tap to select Accessible list of suggestions.
<dd> Definition description Content of a term's description Reads element content Part of list navigation Properly grouped with its dt.
<del> Deleted text Marked as deleted Announces "deletion" No special interaction Uses a different tone to indicate deletion.
<details> Disclosure widget Expandable/collapsible content Announces "disclosure" Double-tap to expand/collapse Recognizes expanded/collapsed state.
<dfn> Defining term Indicates a defining instance of a term Reads element content No special interaction No unique treatment beyond reading.
<dialog> Dialog box Modal dialog Announces "dialog" Focus moves to dialog on open Recognizes and traps focus within dialog.
<div> Generic container Generic block container Reads element content No special interaction Role is determined by ARIA attributes.
<dl> Definition list List of term-definition pairs Announces "list with X items" Swipe to navigate Properly treated as a grouped list.
<dt> Definition term Term in a definition list Reads element content Part of list navigation Associated with the following dd.
<em> Emphasis Emphasized text Reads with emphasis No special interaction Uses different intonation for emphasis.
<embed> Embedded content Embeds external resources Announces "embedded object" Swipe to interact Behavior depends on embedded content.
<fieldset> Form controls grouping Groups related form controls Announces "group start/end" Swipe to navigate form controls Recognizes fieldset and legend association.
<figcaption> Figure caption Caption for a figure element Reads caption text No special interaction Recognized as part of the figure.
<figure> Figure Self-contained content Announces "figure" Swipe to navigate Properly reads as a grouped item.
<footer> Footer Page or section footer Announces "content info" Rotor to 'landmarks' Recognized as a landmark region.
<form> Form Collects user input Announces "form" Swipe to navigate form controls Recognizes form controls and fieldsets.
<h1> to <h6> Section headings Headings with different levels Announces "heading level X" Rotor to 'headings', swipe to navigate Properly identifies heading level and content.
<header> Header Header section Announces "banner" Rotor to 'landmarks' Identified as a landmark region.
<hr> Thematic break Horizontal rule or separator Announces "separator" Swipe left/right to navigate Properly indicates a thematic break.
<html> Root element Main HTML element No aural indication No special interaction No direct aural impact.
<iframe> Inline frame Nested browsing context Announces "frame" Swipe left/right to navigate Recognizes frame's title if available.
<img> Image Embedded image Announces "image" + alt text Double-tap to interact Reads alt or "image" if missing.
<input type="button"> Button Clickable button Announces "button" + label Double-tap to activate Reads the label and responds to activation.
<input type="checkbox"> Checkbox Check/uncheck control Announces "checkbox, checked/unchecked" Double-tap to toggle state Recognizes label and state (checked/unchecked).
<input type="color"> Color picker Color selection control Announces "color picker" Double-tap to open color picker Allows selection of colors from the palette.
<input type="date"> Date input Date selection control Announces "date edit" Swipe to navigate values, double-tap Provides date-specific input options.
<input type="datetime-local"> Local date and time Date and time picker Announces "date-time edit" Swipe to adjust values, double-tap Combines date and time entry fields.
<input type="email"> Email input Email address entry Announces "email edit" Normal text entry interaction Provides email-specific keyboard.
<input type="file"> File upload File selection/upload control Announces "file upload" Double-tap to choose files Allows file browsing and selection.
<input type="hidden"> Hidden input Non-visible input No aural feedback Not interactive Used for form data; ignored by VoiceOver.
<input type="image"> Image button Submit button with an image Announces "image button" + alt text if present Double-tap to activate Acts like a regular button, but with an image.
<input type="month"> Month input Month and year input Announces "month edit" Swipe to navigate, double-tap Provides a month/year picker interface.
<input type="number"> Number input Numeric entry Announces "number edit" Swipe to increase/decrease value Provides numeric keypad for input.
<input type="password"> Password input Password entry field Announces "secure text field" Normal text entry interaction Characters are masked as entered.
<input type="radio"> Radio button Radio button option Announces "radio button" + checked/unchecked Double-tap to select Recognizes grouping with other radio buttons.
<input type="range"> Range slider Range input using a slider Announces "slider" + current value Swipe to adjust value Allows setting a value within a defined range.
<input type="reset"> Reset button Resets form fields Announces "reset button" Double-tap to activate Resets all form inputs to their default values.
<input type="search"> Search input Search query entry Announces "search edit" Normal text entry interaction Provides search-specific keyboard.
<input type="submit"> Submit button Form submission button Announces "submit button" Double-tap to submit Submits the form data to the server.
<input type="tel"> Telephone input Telephone number entry Announces "phone edit" Normal text entry interaction Provides a phone-specific keypad.
<input type="text"> Text input Single-line text entry Announces "text field" Normal text entry interaction Standard text input field.
<input type="time"> Time input Time picker control Announces "time edit" Swipe to adjust values, double-tap Provides an hour/minute input interface.
<input type="url"> URL input URL entry field Announces "URL edit" Normal text entry interaction Provides URL-specific keyboard.
<input type="week"> Week input Week number input Announces "week edit" Swipe to adjust values, double-tap Allows selection of a week within a year.
<ins> Inserted text Recently added text Announces "insertion" No special interaction Uses a distinct tone for inserted content.
<kbd> Keyboard input User keyboard input representation Reads element content No special interaction No special treatment beyond normal text.
<label> Label for form input Descriptive label for input Announces label when focusing on input Swipe to focus on associated input Provides context for form controls.
<legend> Fieldset legend Caption for a fieldset Announces as part of fieldset No special interaction Provides context to grouped form controls.
<li> List item Item in an ordered/unordered list Announces position in list Swipe to navigate Recognizes item count and position.
<link> External resource link Link to external resources (CSS, icons) No aural feedback Not interactive Generally ignored by screen readers.
<main> Main content Main content area Announces "main" Rotor to 'landmarks', swipe to navigate Recognized as a landmark region.
<map> Image map Collection of areas within an image No direct aural indication Interaction via associated <area> elements VoiceOver recognizes linked areas in the map.
<mark> Highlighted text Highlighted or relevant text Reads content as normal text No special interaction No unique emphasis conveyed.
<meta> Metadata Metadata about the HTML document No aural feedback Not interactive Used for SEO and browser processing.
<meter> Scalar measurement Visual gauge or meter Announces "meter" + value Swipe to interact Announces the current value.
<nav> Navigation section Navigation links Announces "navigation" Rotor to 'landmarks' Identified as a navigation landmark.
<noscript> Alternative content for JS Content for non-JS enabled browsers Reads element content No special interaction Displayed if JavaScript is disabled.
<object> Embedded object Generic embedded object Announces "object" Swipe to interact Behavior depends on embedded object type.
<ol> Ordered list Numbered list of items Announces "ordered list" Swipe to navigate Recognizes list structure and item count.
<optgroup> Option group Grouping of options in a dropdown Announces "group" label Swipe within dropdown Provides context in select menus.
<option> Select option Selectable option in a dropdown Announces option text Swipe to select Recognizes the selected state.
<output> Calculation result Result of a calculation Reads output value No special interaction Announces changes dynamically.
<p> Paragraph Block of text Reads content as normal text No special interaction Standard reading behavior.
<picture> Responsive image container Responsive image element Announces selected image Swipe to navigate Reads the most appropriate image source.
<pre> Preformatted text Text with preserved whitespace Reads content with preserved spaces No special interaction Retains formatting, including line breaks.
<progress> Progress bar Progress indicator Announces "progress bar" + value Swipe to interact Announces the current progress value.
<q> Inline quotation Short inline quotation Announces quotation marks No special interaction Properly indicates start/end of quotes.
<rp> Ruby fallback parentheses Ruby text fallback for non-ruby-enabled browsers Reads content as normal text No special interaction Displayed only if ruby text not supported.
<rt> Ruby annotation text Ruby text for pronunciation guides Reads content as normal text No special interaction Read inline with the main text.
<ruby> Ruby annotation container Container for ruby text annotations Reads main and rt text together No special interaction Provides pronunciation guidance inline.
<s> Strikethrough text Strikethrough text styling Reads content as normal text No special interaction No indication of strikethrough.
<samp> Sample output Sample output from a program Reads content as normal text No special interaction No unique aural distinction.
<script> JavaScript Embedded or external JavaScript No aural feedback Not interactive Executes without screen reader feedback.
<section> Section Thematic grouping of content Announces "region" if labeled Rotor to 'landmarks' Acts as a landmark region when labeled.
<select> Select dropdown Drop-down menu for multiple options Announces "popup button" Double-tap to open, swipe to select Reads all available options.
<small> Fine print Less important text Reads content as normal text No special interaction No specific aural change.
<source> Media source Source for media elements No direct aural feedback Not interactive Used within <audio> and <video>.
<span> Inline container Generic inline container Reads content as normal text No special interaction Treated as part of text flow.
<strong> Strong emphasis Important text Reads with emphasis No special interaction Uses a stronger voice inflection.
<style> CSS styles Embedded stylesheets No aural feedback Not interactive Applies CSS styles; ignored by screen reader.
<sub> Subscript text Subscript text Reads content as normal text No special interaction No indication of subscript.
<summary> Disclosure summary Summary for <details> Announces "summary" Double-tap to expand/collapse Acts as a trigger for the <details> element.
<sup> Superscript text Superscript text Reads content as normal text No special interaction No indication of superscript.
<svg> Scalable Vector Graphics Vector graphics in XML format Announces "graphic" if labeled Swipe to navigate Reads accessible labels, if provided.
<table> Data table Tabular data Announces "table with X rows and Y columns" Swipe to navigate cells Provides structured navigation through rows/columns.
<tbody> Table body Table content container Included in table navigation No special interaction Part of overall table structure.
<td> Table data cell Cell within a table row Reads content Part of table navigation Properly linked with headers.
<template> Template container Client-side template content No aural feedback Not interactive Hidden unless instantiated by JavaScript.
<textarea> Multi-line text input Editable multi-line text area Announces "text area" Normal text entry interaction Allows multiple lines of input.
<tfoot> Table footer Footer section of a table Included in table navigation No special interaction Part of the overall table structure.
<th> Table header cell Header cell within a table Announces "column header" or "row header" Part of table navigation Recognizes association with td cells.
<thead> Table header Header section of a table Included in table navigation No special interaction Part of the overall table structure.
<time> Time Date/time representation Reads content No special interaction Displays human-readable time/date.
<title> Document title Title of the document Announces when page loads No direct interaction Read out when the page/tab gains focus.
<tr> Table row Row within a table Included in table navigation No special interaction Properly reads cell content within rows.
<track> Media track Subtitles, captions, or descriptions Announces track type when enabled Swipe to activate/deactivate Used with <audio> and <video> elements.
<u> Underlined text Text with underline styling Reads content as normal text No special interaction No unique aural distinction for underline.
<ul> Unordered list Bullet list Announces "list with X items" Swipe to navigate list items Properly recognizes and reads list structure.
<var> Variable Variable or argument in text/code Reads element content No special interaction No unique treatment beyond normal text.
<video> Video player Embedded video with controls Announces "video" Double-tap to play/pause Provides full media controls.
<wbr> Word break opportunity Suggests a line break opportunity No direct aural feedback No special interaction Breaks handled visually via CSS/layout.