alt in HTML5 – Moving Forward
As a result of some sage advice from Jason White (a W3C veteran), amongst others. Myself, Laura Carlson and Josh O Connor have started to attend the HTML WG weekly teleconferences. Our first meeting has already yielded some positive progress:
Action 54 – draft text for HTML 5 spec to require producers/authors to include @alt on img elements
This is an opportunity to provide positive input into the development of the HTML5 specification on an issue that is integral to the accessibility of the majority of non text content available on the web.
We would appreciate continued input from the accessibility community to ensure we get it right!
Steve, that is a very good step forward, and I’m glad that someone of your calibre is involved in the ongoing discussion. Thank you for the continued contributions to the HTML5 development, and future success of your efforts.
Hi Mike, thanks for your kind words, I am only one of a large number of people working to provide input on the accessibility of HTML5.
Steve, this is great news. If the accessibility community can persuade the HTML WG that the particular issue with @alt is more than a design issue, we can help drive the development of HTML 5 towards a better specification. Excellent work, and I’m glad to see it in such good hands!
Hi dotjay, thanks. getting it this far was not actually too much hard work. Now we have to craft an alternative (which is being worked on) and get it accepted (a much harder job!).
It’s good news to see at last they are seeing some sense with regards to alterative text attributes.