HTML Element test file index

Last updated 16 February 2025

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  1. a with href
  2. a with no href
  3. abbr
  4. address
  5. area
  6. article
  7. aside
  8. audio
  9. b
  10. base [no test]
  11. bdi
  12. bdo
  13. blockquote
  14. body [no test]
  15. br
  16. button
  17. canvas
  18. caption
  19. cite
  20. code
  21. col [no test]
  22. colgroup
  23. data
  24. datalist
  25. dd
  26. del
  27. details
  28. dfn
  29. dialog
  30. div
  31. dl
  32. dt
  33. em
  34. embed
  35. fieldset
  36. figcaption
  37. figure
  38. footer
  39. form
  40. h1-h6
  41. h7-h10 (role="heading"+aria-level=7-10)
  42. head [no test]
  43. header
  44. hgroup
  45. hr
  46. html [no test]
  47. i
  48. iframe
  49. iframe with title
  50. img
  51. input [button]
  52. input [checkbox]
  53. input [color]
  54. input [date]
  55. input [datetime-local]
  56. input [email]
  57. input [file]
  58. input [hidden] [no test]
  59. input [image]
  60. input [month]
  61. input [number]
  62. input [password]
  63. input [range]
  64. input [radio]
  65. input [reset]
  66. input [search]
  67. input [submit]
  68. input [tel]
  69. input [text]
  70. input [time]
  71. input [url]
  72. input [week]
  73. ins
  74. kbd
  75. label
  76. legend
  77. li
  78. link [no test]
  79. main
  80. map
  81. mark
  82. math
  83. meta [no test]
  84. meter
  85. nav
  86. noscript [no test]
  87. object
  88. ol
  89. optgroup
  90. option
  91. output
  92. p
  93. param [no test]
  94. picture [no test]
  95. pre
  96. progress
  97. q
  98. rp
  99. rt
  100. ruby
  101. samp
  102. s
  103. script [no test]
  104. section
  105. select
  106. search
  107. small
  108. source [no test]
  109. span
  110. strong
  111. style [no test]
  112. sub
  113. summary
  114. sup
  115. svg
  116. table
  117. complex table test
  118. tbody
  119. td
  120. template [no test]
  121. textarea
  122. tfoot
  123. th
  124. thead
  125. time
  126. title [no test]
  127. tr
  128. track
  129. u
  130. ul
  131. var
  132. video
  133. wbr [no test]