disclosure (role)

editor: steve faulkner

last updated: 07/07/14

A button that changes the display state of a controlled element, or elements, when clicked or pressed.

Disclosure buttons support the required attributes aria-expanded and aria-controls.

The aria-controls attribute MUST have a valid ID reference list to 1 or more elements in the document. When the aria-expanded=true the controlled element(s) MUST be visible (for example, CSS display:block). When aria-expanded=false the controlled element(s) MUST be hidden (for example, CSS display:none).

Characteristics of button
Characteristic Value
Superclass Role: command
Base Concept: HTML button
Related Concepts:
Required States and Properties:
Inherited States and Properties:
Name From:
  • contents
  • author
Accessible Name Required: True
Children Presentational: True